

词汇 pester
pester | BrE ˈpɛstə, AmE ˈpɛstər | transitive verb 打扰 dǎrǎo to pester sb for sth; 因某事打扰某人 the beggar pestered passers-by for money 那个乞丐缠着行人要钱 to pester sb with questions 缠住某人不断提问 to pester sb about sth; 关于某事烦扰某人 to pester sb to do or into doing sth; 纠缠着要某人做某事 she pestered me to buy a new suit 她缠着我买一套新西装 to pester the life out of sb informal 使某人烦得要死 to be pestered over the telephone 被人电话骚扰




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