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词汇 no
no | BrE nəʊ, AmE noʊ | A. exclamation (giving negative response, expressing disagreement, shock, disappointment) are you ready? — no, I'm not 你准备好了吗?──没有,我没准备好 another drink? — no thanks 再喝一杯?──不了,谢谢 no! don't touch it: it's hot! 别!别碰它,很烫! oh no, look at this! 哦,不,瞧这个! to not take no for an answer 非得让人接受 you're coming and I won't take no for an answer 你一定要来,你非答应不可 (expressing agreement or affirmation) 没错 méi cuò it's not very good, is it? — no, you're right: it isn't 它不太好,对吧?──没错,你说得对,它不好 B. determiner (not any) 没有 méiyou to have no coat/job/money/shoes 没有外套/工作/钱/鞋子 he has no intention of going 他毫无走的意思 there's no chocolate like Belgian chocolate 比利时巧克力无与伦比 (expressing impossibility) 不可能 bù kěnéng there's no denying that … 不可否认的是… there's no doing sth 没有做某事的可能 there's no telling how he'll react 谁也不知道他会有何反应 (prohibiting) 禁止 jìnzhǐ 'no parking' 禁止停车 no talking! 不要说话! no surrender! 绝不投降! (indicating the opposite) 根本不 gēnběn bù she's no fool 她一点儿不傻 he's no expert 他根本不是专家 it was no easy task 这任务真不容易 this is no place to stop 这根本不是停留的地方 (hardly any) 几乎没有 jīhū méiyou in no time 立刻 it was no distance to … 到…没有多远 C. noun plural noes (as an answer) 否定回答 fǒudìng huídá can't you give me a straight yes or no? 你就不能直截了当地回答我是还是否吗? (referring to person) 不赞同的人 bù zàntóng de rén I'll put you down as a no for the trip 我把你算作反对这次旅行的人 (referring to vote) 反对票 fǎnduìpiào when we took a vote, there were nine yesses and three noes 我们进行了投票表决,有9票赞成,3票反对 the noes have it (in formal debate) 反对票占多数 D. adverb (not any) 一点儿也不 yīdiǎnr yě bù it's no different from driving a car 这跟开汽车没什么区别 no later than Wednesday 不晚于星期三 no fewer than 50 people 不少于50人 formal (not) tired or no, you're going to bed 不管困不困,你都得上床睡觉 whether it rains or no 不管下不下雨




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