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词汇 labour
labour | BrE ˈleɪbə, AmE ˈleɪbər | British A. noun countable and uncountable (work) 劳动 láodòng the division of labour 分工 to withdraw one's labour 罢工 a labour of love 出于热爱而做的工作 the labours of Hercules 异常艰巨的任务 before noun 劳动力的 láodònglì de costs, shortage; 劳资的 láozī de disputethe graduate labour market is changing 毕业生就业市场正在发生变化 uncountable (workers) 劳工 láogōng cheap labour 廉价劳动力 skilled/unskilled labour 熟练/非熟练工人 before noun 工会的 gōnghuì de leader uncountable Labour British Politics 工党 Gōngdǎng to vote Labour 投工党的票 before noun 工党的 Gōngdǎng de MP, government, policythe Labour vote 投给工党的选票 countable and uncountable Medicine 分娩 fēnmiǎn to go into or begin labour 开始分娩 to be in labour 正在分娩 an easy/difficult labour 顺产/难产 B. intransitive verb (work hard) 努力 nǔlì he's been labouring at or over the report since Wednesday 自星期三以来他一直忙着写这份报告 to labour to do sth; 努力做某事 they were labouring to finish the job on time 他们正努力争取按时完成工作 (have difficulties) 费力地做 fèilì de zuò ; Motor Vehicles «engine» 缓慢运转 huǎnmàn yùnzhuǎn he was labouring to breathe 他吃力地呼吸着 the car laboured up the hill 这辆车费力地爬上了山 (suffer) to labour under a misapprehension/a handicap; 为误会/障碍所蒙蔽 wéi wùhuì/zhàng'ài suǒ méngbì he's labouring under the delusion that he is going to be offered the job 他有一种错觉,以为自己会得到这份工作 we must not labour under the illusion that we are safe 我们一定不要误以为我们是安全的 C. transitive verb to labour the point 一再重复已说明的事 yīzài chóngfù yǐ shuōmíng de shì if you keep labouring the point, your arguments become less effective 如果你总是重复,你的论点就会变得没有说服力




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