

词汇 lady
lady | BrE ˈleɪdi, AmE ˈleɪdi | A. noun (woman) 女士 nǚshì ladies first 女士先请 ladies and gentlemen (at the start of a speech) 女士们,先生们 his young lady dated 他的女友 your good lady dated 尊夫人 my old lady informal 我老婆 look here, young lady! informal 喂,小姐! the lady of the house 主妇 a little old lady 一个小老太太 hey lady! — you can't park there! US informal 嘿,女士!──不能在那里泊车! a lady doctor/writer 女医生/作家 (woman of good manners) 淑女 shūnǚ Lady British (in titles) (wife of some nobles) 夫人 fūren ; (daughter of some nobles) 小姐 xiǎojiě Lady Churchill 丘吉尔夫人 Lady Philippa (Stewart) 菲利帕(斯图亚特)小姐 Lady (in official titles) 阁下 géxià the Lady Mayoress 市长女士阁下 Religion Our Lady 圣母 shèngmǔ B. Ladies plural noun plus singular or plural verb British the Ladies 女洗手间 nǚ xǐshǒujiān




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