

词汇 landing
landing | BrE ˈlandɪŋ, AmE ˈlændɪŋ | noun uncountable (of people) 上岸 shàng'àn ; (of cargo) 到岸卸货 dào'àn xièhuò countable (on runway) 着陆 zhuólù ; (by troops, from boat, on planet) 登陆 dēnglù ; (from plane, by parachute) 降落 jiàngluò ; (in the sea) 坠落 zhuìluò to make a landing 着陆 zhuólù a smooth/bumpy/hard landing 平稳着陆/颠簸着陆/硬着陆 a paratroop landing 伞兵空降 the Normandy/D-day landings 诺曼底/开始进攻日登陆 (of animal, athlete, hang-glider) 落地 luòdì ; (of parachutist, bird, insect) 落下 luòxia a hard landing 摔落 (on stairs) 楼梯平台 lóutī píngtái ; (corridor) 楼层 lóucéng on the next landing 在下一层楼




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