

词汇 own
own | BrE əʊn, AmE oʊn | A. adjective attributive (belonging to person, group) 自己的 zìjǐ de his own car 他自己的车 the company has its own lawyer 公司有自己的律师 to start one's own business 创办自己的企业 in his own words … 用他自己的话说… to be one's own man/woman 独立自主 to do one's own thing informal 做自己喜欢的事 virtue is its own reward proverb 行善本身就是回报 (done by self) 自己做的 zìjǐ zuò de to do one's own cooking 自己做饭 to make one's own decisions 自己做决定 (emphatic) 本人的 běnrén de of my own making 我亲手做的 my own daughter 我的亲生女儿 to see sth with one's own eyes 亲眼看见某物 my own view is that … 我本人的看法是… B. pronoun plural own one's/its own; 自己的/它自己的 zìjǐ de/tā zìjǐ de I don't have a company car, I use my own 我没有公车,我开自己的 of one's own; 属于自己的 shǔyú zìjǐ de a house of my (very) own 我自己的房子 wǒ zìjǐ de fángzi I have a suggestion of my own to make 我自己有一个建议想提出来 a style all her own 一种完全属于她自己的风格 yī zhǒng wánquán shǔyú tā zìjǐ de fēnggé nothing to call one's own 一无所有 yī wú suǒ yǒu each to his/her/their own 人各有所好 rén gè yǒu suǒ hào on one's own (solitary) 独自地 dúzì de (without help) 独立地 dúlì de to get sb on his/her/their own 找某人单独说话 zhǎo mǒu rén dāndú shuōhuà on its own 单独地 dāndú de whisky on its own (undiluted) 纯威士忌酒 chún wēishìjìjiǔ to come into one's own 得到充分发挥 dédào chōngfèn fāhuī he came into his own once he got to university 他一进大学就崭露头角 to get one's own back (on sb) informal 报复(某人) bàofù(mǒu rén) to hold one's own 坚持自己的立场 jiānchí zìjǐ de lìchǎng C. transitive verb (possess) 拥有 yōngyǒu who owns this pen? 这支笔是谁的? I own a cat 我养了一只猫 to act as if one owns the place informal derogatory 举止好像那地方是自己家似的 formal (admit) 承认 chéngrèn to own that … 承认… he owned himself defeated 他认输了 D. intransitive verb formal = own upPHRASAL VERB own up: intransitive verb to own up to sth; 承认 chéngrèn mistake, crimeto own up to having done sth/doing sth; 承认做过某事 she owned up to having lied/forgotten 她承认说谎了/忘了




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