

词汇 pack up
pack up A. intransitive verb (get one's things together) 打点行装 dǎdian xíngzhuāng I'm all packed up and ready to go 我整装待发 informal (finish) 停止 tíngzhǐ let's pack up now and finish the job tomorrow 我们现在收工吧,明天再把活干完 school packs up in about a week's time 学校大约一周之后放假 informal (break down) «machine, engine» 出故障 chū gùzhàng ; «heart, kidneys, liver» 出毛病 chū máobìng B. transitive verb (put away) [pack sth up, pack up sth] 收拾好 shōushi hǎo tools, belongingsinformal (stop) 结束 jiéshù work, task




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