

词汇 last word
last word noun (unsurpassable thing) the last word (in sth) (在某方面)达到极致的事物 (zài mǒu fāngmiàn)dádào jízhì de shìwù it's the last word in luxury! 这真是极尽奢华! (final contribution) 最后发言 zuìhòu fāyán ; (final decision) 最终决定 zuìzhōng juédìng to have the last word 说了算 the demonstrators put up a fight, but the police had the last word 游行示威者开始动武,但警方最终控制了局面 (final statement) 最后一句话 zuìhòu yī jù huà ; (final opinion) 定论 dìnglùn get out! that's my last word to all of you! 我对你们这帮人最后说一遍,滚! the dictionary claims to be the last word on English 那本词典号称是英语的终极权威 last words 临终遗言




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