

词汇 prop
prop1 | BrE prɒp, AmE prɑp | A. noun Building, Technology (support) 支柱 zhīzhù a pit prop 坑柱 figurative (supportive person) 支持者 zhīchízhě she was his prop in times of trouble 在艰难时期她是他的后盾 Sport (in rugby) 支柱前锋 zhīzhù qiánfēng B. transitive verb present participle propping past tense, past participle propped (support) 撑住 chēngzhù tunnel, wallI propped his head on a pillow 我把他的头靠在枕头上 he took a chair and propped the door open with it 他拿了把椅子把门撑开 (lean) 支起 zhīqǐ he propped the ladder against the wall 他把梯子靠着墙支住 PHRASAL VERB prop up transitive verb [prop sth up, prop up sth] literal 撑起 chēngqǐ wall, rooffigurative 扶持 fúchí regime, businessto prop up the pound 扶持英镑




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