

词汇 mighty
mighty | BrE ˈmʌɪti, AmE ˈmaɪdi | A. adjective (powerful) 强大的 qiángdà de nation, ruler, armyhigh and mighty 盛气凌人的 the pen is mightier than the sword proverb 笔比剑更锋利 (vast) 巨大的 jùdà de mountain, ship; 浩瀚的 hàohàn de oceanfrom little acorns mighty oak trees grow proverb 参天大树,生于毫末 (performed with strength) 强有力的 qiángyǒulì de thrust, swinga mighty punch/rage 狠狠的一拳/极为愤怒 informal (huge, terrific) 极大的 jí dà de a mighty blow against racism 对种族主义的一次重创 B. plural noun the mighty 强有力的人 qiángyǒulì de rén C. adverb US informal 非常 fēicháng




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