

词汇 mind
mind | BrE mʌɪnd, AmE maɪnd | A. noun uncountable and countable (centre of thought and feelings) 头脑 tóunǎo the mind/body duality 精神-肉体的二元性 the conscious/unconscious/subconscious mind 意识/无意识/潜意识 peace of mind 内心的宁静 in sb's mind; (thoughts) 在某人心里 (imagination) 在某人的想象中 to cross sb's mind 浮现在某人的脑海中 sb's mind is in turmoil 某人心乱如麻 it's all in the mind 那纯属想象 strange thoughts went through my mind 我的心里产生了奇怪的想法 to see sth in one's mind's eye 想象出某物 to build up an image in one's mind of sb/sth 心中形成对某人/某物的印象 to come to mind or come into one's mind 浮上心头 if anything comes to mind, let me know 如果你想起了什么,就告诉我 I can't get it/her out of my mind 我心里老想着这件事/她 to have sth at the back of one's mind 隐约意识到某事 to have sth on one's mind; 有某事压在心头 to have a lot on one's mind 有很多牵挂 what's on your mind? 你有什么心事? that's a load or weight off my mind 我如释重负 to read sb's mind 看出某人的心思 to set sb's mind at rest 让某人放心 to be or feel easy in one's mind (about sth) (对某事)很安心 to prey or weigh on sb's mind 压在某人心头 with sb/sth in mind 考虑到某人/某事物 designed with women in mind 专为女性设计的 uncountable and countable (brain) 智力 zhìlì to have the mind of a two-year-old child 智力相当于两岁的孩子 to have a very good or keen mind 非常聪明 uncountable and countable (way of thinking) 思维 sīwéi the human/criminal mind 人类/罪犯的思维 sb's frame or state of mind 某人的心境 to be in a calm/confused state of mind 心里很平静/很乱 you've got a dirty or filthy mind informal 你真下流 travel broadens the mind 旅行可以开阔心胸 countable (opinion) 意见 yìjiàn to be of one/a different mind 持一致/不同意见 to be in British or of US two minds 犹豫不决 to my mind 在我看来 to speak one's mind 说心里话 to know one's own mind 有主见 to have a mind of one's own 有主见 to be clear in one's mind about sth 心中明白某事 to make up one's mind 打定主意 to change one's mind (about sth/sb) 改变(对某物/某人的)看法 to have or keep an open mind about sth; 对某事没有成见 to close one's mind to sth, to have a closed mind about sth 对某事物不予考虑/对某事物未作考虑 countable (attention) 注意力 zhùyìlì to turn one's mind to sth 把注意力转向某物 to take sb's mind off sth; 使某人的注意力从某物上移开 the holiday will force you to take your mind off work 休假可以迫使你暂时忘掉工作 to put or set one's mind to sth; 专心于某事物 to keep one's mind on sth; 专心于某事物 to let one's mind wander 出神 my mind was elsewhere 我走神了 her mind isn't on her work 她的心思不在工作上 uncountable and countable (memory) 记忆 jìyì to put sth/sb out of one's mind; 把某事物/某人置之脑后 it went right or clean or completely out of my mind 我把那件事全忘了 his name slipped my mind 我想不起他的名字了 to bring or call sth/sb to mind; 回忆起某事物/某人 to bear sth/sb in mind; 记住某事物/某人 my mind's a blank 我的记忆一片空白 uncountable and countable (sanity) to be in one's right mind 头脑正常 tóunǎo zhèngcháng to be of sound/unsound mind Law 心智健全/不健全 xīnzhì jiànquán/bù jiànquán to go out of or lose one's mind 发疯 fāfēng to drive sb out of his/her mind 使某人发疯 shǐ mǒu rén fāfēng her mind is going informal 她要疯了 tā yào fēng le to be bored out of one's mind informal 厌烦透顶 yànfán tòudǐng countable singular (intention) 意愿 yìyuàn to have sth/sb in mind 考虑某事物/某人 to have (it) in mind to do sth 打算做某事 to have (half) a mind or a good mind to do sth informal 可能会做某事 to have no mind to do sth informal 不想做某事 to set one's mind on sth/doing sth 一心想得到某物/做某事 countable (person) 有才智的人 yǒu cáizhì de rén the great minds of the 18th century 18世纪的杰出人物 great minds think alike proverb 英雄所见略同 B. transitive verb (pay attention to) 留意 liúyì personto mind one's language/manners 注意言辞/礼貌 to mind one's Ps and Qs 注意做到举止得体 don't mind him 别理他 to mind one's own business 少管闲事 (care) 在意 zàiyì never mind sth/sb; (don't worry about sth/sb) 不用在意某事物/某人 (let alone) 更不用说某事物/某人 never mind who/what/why etc. 谁/什么/何种原因等都无所谓 never mind doing that informal 先别那么做 he doesn't mind what you think of him 他并不在意你怎么看他 (bear in mind) 记住 jìzhù it's a secret, mind you don't tell a soul 这是秘密,记住不要告诉任何人 (be careful of) 当心 dāngxīn hazardmind your head/the step/the gap 小心碰头/台阶/缝隙 mind your backs! British 请让一下! mind how you go British 路上小心 mind you get home early 注意早点回家 mind yourself, there's a car coming 闪开,有车过来了 (object to) 介意 jièyì person, thingdo you mind coffee? 你介意喝咖啡吗? I wouldn't mind a drink/a short break informal 我很想喝点什么/休息一会儿 if you don't mind my or me saying so … 如果你不介意我这样说的话… I don't mind if I do 好的 (look after) 照看 zhàokàn child, animal; 看管 kānguǎn valuablesC. intransitive verb (object) 介意 jièyì I don't mind 我无所谓 do you mind! ironic 你别这样好不好! if you don't mind, I'd rather not … 不好意思,我不想… (worry) 担心 dānxīn never mind; (it's unimportant) 不要紧 (forget it) 算了 never mind about that …; 不用担心… never you mind informal 不关你的事 mind you (conceding) 说真的 shuō zhēn de (explaining) 请注意 qǐng zhùyì the firm's gone bust, mind you, I'm not surprised 公司已经破产,说真的,我并不感到惊讶 he claims, mind you, that he is the owner 请注意,他声称自己是所有人 PHRASAL VERB mind out intransitive verb British informal mind out! 小心! Xiǎoxīn ! mind out, you're in my way 请让一让,你挡住我的路了 to mind out for sth/sb; 当心某事物/某人 dāngxīn mǒu shìwù/mǒu rén




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