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词汇 nothing
nothing | BrE ˈnʌθɪŋ, AmE ˈnəθɪŋ | A. pronoun (indicating absence of sth) 没有什么 méiyou shénme nothing interesting's happened 没发生什么有趣的事情 you'll do nothing of the kind or sort! 你绝对不要做这种事! she's just a friend, nothing more or less 她只是一个朋友而已 she thinks about nothing else 她别的什么也不考虑 next to nothing 几乎没有 to have nothing against sb/sth 对某人/某事没有意见 to be or have nothing to do with sb/sth 与某人/某事毫不相干 she will have or she wants nothing to do with us 她不想与我们有任何瓜葛 to come to nothing 一事无成 to stop at nothing (to do sth) (为做某事)不择手段 to have nothing to say for oneself 没什么要说 to have nothing on (no clothes) 没有穿衣服 (no plans) 没有安排 I've got nothing on this weekend 我这个周末没有应酬 to have nothing on sb/sth informal (fall short) 远不及某人/某事 (have no incriminating information) 没有某人/某机构的罪证 he's got nothing on you! 他远远比不上你! the police have nothing on you 警方没有证据指控你 she's five foot nothing informal 她充其量只有5英尺高 nothing doing informal (no activity) 没什么事情发生 (no chance of success) 没什么希望 (expressing refusal) 不行 he wants to marry her, but nothing doing! informal 他想要娶她,但不可能! nothing (else) for it British 没有选择的余地 there was nothing for it but to resign 除了辞职,别无他法 nothing short of sth (only) 只有某事 (equal to) 无异于某事 nothing short of a miracle can save them 只有奇迹能够挽救他们 it's nothing short of blackmail 这完全是敲诈 to be nothing if not … 极其… you're nothing if not persistent! 你简直顽固透顶! (emphasizing insignificance) 琐碎之事 suǒsuì zhī shì a fuss about nothing 大惊小怪 you've cut yourself! — it's nothing 你割伤自己了!──没事儿 it's nothing more than a cold 只不过是感冒而已 to think nothing of sth/doing sth 认为某事/做某事算不了什么 I thought nothing of it 我没把它当回事儿 think nothing of it! formal 没关系! it's or it was nothing! formal 这算不了什么! to be nothing without sb/sth 没有了某人/某事物就什么也不是 he's nothing without his career 没有了事业他就什么也不是 it is nothing to sb (to do sth) 对于某人来说(做某事)不算什么 $200 is nothing to you 200美元对于你来说无所谓 there's nothing to it! 轻而易举! there's nothing to doing sth 做某事轻而易举 there's nothing in or to sth 某事是无稽之谈 there's nothing in it for sb 这对某人毫无益处 to get nothing out of sth 从某事中无利可图 home C1 (for emphasis) [用以强调对比]there's nothing more ridiculous than … 没有什么比…更荒谬可笑 there's nothing like sth/doing sth 没什么比得了某事物/做某事 there's nothing like seeing old friends 没什么比得上和老朋友见面 it was nothing less than sexual harassment 这是地地道道的性骚扰 it was nothing less than tragic 这简直就是一场悲剧 to say nothing of sb/sth 更不用说某人/某事 B. adverb 一点也不 yīdiǎn yě bù to care nothing for sb/sth 根本不关心某人/某事 nothing like sb/sth (not at all like) 一点也不像某人/某物 (not nearly) 根本不 the city is nothing like what it was 这座城市已经面目全非 it's nothing like enough! 这根本不够! C. noun uncountable (nothingness) 虚无 xūwú an explanation of how the universe came out of nothing 关于宇宙如何产生于虚无的一种解释 countable (trivial matter) 琐事 suǒshì it's a mere nothing 这简直微不足道 countable (unimportant person) 小人物 xiǎorénwù she's a nothing and a nobody 她只是个无名小卒 uncountable (zero) líng we lost four nothing 我们0比4输了 D. for nothing adverb phrase (without payment) 不花钱 bù huāqián ; (without effort) 毫不费力 háo bù fèilì he gave it to me for nothing 他把它白送给了我 to get something for nothing 不劳而获 it's money for nothing 这钱来得容易 you get nothing for nothing 没有付出就没有所得 (to no purpose) 徒劳 túláo all that trouble for nothing! 所有的辛苦都白费了! (for no reason) 平白无故地 píngbái wúgù de they aren't called skyscrapers for nothing 它们被称作摩天大楼并非毫无道理 I'm not English for nothing! humorous 我这英国人可不是白当的! E. nothing but adverb phrase 只不过 zhǐ bùguò he's nothing but a coward 他只是个胆小鬼 nothing but the best for me! 我只要最好的!




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