

词汇 quarrel
quarrel | BrE ˈkwɒr(ə)l, AmE ˈkwɔrəl,ˈkwɑrəl | A. noun (argument) 争吵 zhēngchǎo a quarrel about or over sth 为某事物的争吵 to have a quarrel (with sb) (和某人)吵架 to pick a quarrel (with sb) (向某人)寻衅 (difference of opinion) 分歧 fēnqí an intellectual quarrel 知识方面的分歧 (feud) 长期不和 chángqī bùhé a long-standing quarrel 夙怨 to start a quarrel 产生不和 (reason for disagreement) to have no quarrel (with sb/sth) (对某人/某事物)没有怨言 (duì mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù)méiyǒu yuànyán B. intransitive verb present participle etc. quarrelling quarrelled US quarreling quarreled (argue) 争吵 zhēngchǎo (disagree) to quarrel with sth; 不赞成 bù zànchéng idea, approach




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