

词汇 leading
leading | BrE ˈliːdɪŋ, AmE ˈlidɪŋ | adjective (at the front) 最前头的 zuì qiántou de animal, vessel, vehiclethe leading carriages of the train 列车的头几节车厢 (in race, competition, league) 领先的 lǐngxiān de athlete, team, horse, boat (most important or famous) 最杰出的 zuì jiéchū de writer, artist, lawyer, politician; 最著名的 zuì zhùmíng de brand, product; 占主导地位的 zhàn zhǔdǎo dìwèi de company, bank, industry (main) 主要的 zhǔyào de part, cause, ideato play a leading role in sth 在某事物中起主要作用




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