

词汇 leapfrog
leapfrog | BrE ˈliːpfrɒɡ, AmE ˈlipˌfrɔɡ | A. noun uncountable 跳背游戏 tiào bèi yóuxì B. transitive verb present participle leapfrogging past tense, past participle leapfrogged (jump over) 分腿跳过 fēn tuǐ tiàoguo fence, wall, person (overtake) 超过 chāoguò rival, opponentC. intransitive verb present participle leapfrogging past tense, past participle leapfrogged (jump) 分腿跳 fēn tuǐ tiào to leapfrog over sb/sth; 分腿跳过某人/某物 (overtake) 超越 chāoyuè to leapfrog over one's rival 超过对手 she leapfrogged into a senior sales position 她蹿升到了高级营销员的职位




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