

词汇 leave off
leave off A. [leave sth off, leave off sth] transitive verb (not wear, not keep on) 不穿 bù chuān coat, shoes; 不戴 bù dài hat, glasses; 不盖 bù gài blanketI usually leave off the eiderdown in the summer 夏天我通常把鸭绒被拿掉 (not replace) 不重新装上 bù chóngxīn zhuāngshang ; (not attach) 不装上 bù zhuāngshang I think you should leave the door off 我认为你不应该装门 (omit) 遗漏 yílòu I deliberately left off my telephone number 我特意没写电话号码 his name had been left off the register 登记簿上漏掉了他的名字 informal (stop) to leave off doing sth; 停止做某事 tíngzhǐ zuò mǒu shì I wish he would leave off whistling that tune 我希望他不要再吹那个曲子了 B. [leave sth off] transitive verb (not switch on) 不开 bù kāi C. intransitive verb 停止 tíngzhǐ has the rain left off yet? 雨停了吗? leave off! informal 停!




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