

词汇 leave out
leave out A. [leave out sth, leave sth out] transitive verb (fail to include) (deliberately) 忽略 hūlüè ; (accidentally) 遗漏 yílòu she left out a word when she dictated the address 她口述地址时漏掉了一个词 the results of the experiment were left out of the report 报告中没提实验结果 he left out a vital screw when he reassembled the engine 重装发动机时,他漏装了一个关键的螺丝钉 the cake will taste awful if you leave the sugar out 如果不加糖,蛋糕会很难吃 (fail to consider) 没有考虑 méiyǒu kǎolǜ fact, possibilityto leave sth out of one's calculations/the reckoning 没有考虑某事物 leave it out! British informal (stop doing that!) 行啦! (expressing disbelief) 别逗了! (not bring in) 让…留在室外 ràng… liú zài shìwài to leave the wet clothes out 把湿衣服晾在外面 (not put away) 不拿走 bù názǒu I left the milk and sugar out on the table 我把牛奶和糖留在桌子上 B. [leave sb out, leave out sb] transitive verb (from social group, activity) 不包括 bù bāokuò there are 25, not 24: I left Sarah out 有25个人,不是24个:我刚才没算萨拉 you can leave me out of your quarrel 别把我拉入你们的争吵中 to feel left out 感到受冷落 Barton has been left out of the team 巴顿未能入选参赛名单




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