

词汇 poke out
poke out A. intransitive verb «part of body» 伸出 shēnchū ; «object, flower» 露出 lùchū ; «stomach, breasts, bottom» 凸出 tūchū to poke out of sth; 从某处露出 a few shoots were poking out of the soil 几根嫩芽破土而出 to poke out through sth; 穿透某物露出 the first snowdrops were poking out through the snow 第一批雪花莲从雪中探出头来 to poke out from under sth; 从某物下面露出 B. transitive verb [poke sth out, poke out sth] (make visible) 伸出 shēnchū head, tongueI haven't so much as poked my nose out all day figurative 我一整天连门都没出过 (remove) 捅出 tǒngchū objecthe nearly poked my eye out 他差点把我的眼珠捅出来




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