

词汇 pole
pole1 | BrE pəʊl, AmE poʊl | A. noun (for tent, flag, telegraph lines) zhù ; (for curtain, skiing, fishing) gān ; (in athletics event) 撑竿 chēng gān ; (for propelling boat) gāo ; (for cart, carriage) yuán ; (for barber's shop) 转花筒 zhuànhuātǒng to send or drive sb up the pole informal (cause sb extreme irritation) 激怒某人 (drive sb insane) 使某人发疯 to be up the pole informal (be mistaken) 弄错 British (be insane) 发疯 fāfēng she's up the pole about those figures 她把这些数字弄错了 (mainly British) History (length) gān [相当于5.03米]; (area) 平方杆 píngfānggān [相当于25.29平方米] B. transitive verb 用篙撑 yòng gāo chēng boat, punt, barge




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