

词汇 police
police | BrE pəˈliːs, AmE pəˈlis | A. noun plus plural verb (official body) 警察部门 jǐngchá bùmén the police 警方 to be in the police 在警察部门工作 to assist the police with their enquiries 接受警方的讯问 police vehicles 警车 jǐngchē police intervention 警方介入 (officers) 警察 jǐngchá figurative (enforcement organization) 警卫组织 jǐngwèi zǔzhī B. transitive verb (keep in order) «authorities, stewards, police» 维持…的治安 wéichí… de zhì'ān place, gatheringthe demonstration was policed by mounted officers 游行示威受到了骑警的监控 (control) «teachers, guards» 守卫 shǒuwèi building, nightclub, frontier (enforce) 监督…的执行 jiāndū… de zhíxíng regulations, treaty




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