

词汇 minute
minute1 | BrE ˈmɪnɪt, AmE ˈmɪnɪt | A. noun (unit of time or measurement) fēn a few minutes earlier/later 几分钟之前/之后 8 degrees 35 minutes (8° 35') 8度35分 five minutes past three 3点零5分 with 5 minutes to spare 还剩5分钟 to the minute 准时地 to arrive at eight o'clock to the minute 8点整到达 to be accurate to the minute «clock» 精确到分 to be ten minutes by car from sth 距某地开车有10分钟的路程 the river is five minutes away 河离这儿有5分钟的路程 singular informal (short time) 片刻 piànkè I'll only be a minute 我一会儿就好 I'll only be a minute, I won't be a minute 我马上就好 just a minute! (wait) 稍等一下! (say) 且慢! in half a minute 马上 within minutes 在几分钟内 with only minutes to go 只剩几分钟时 not for a or one minute 从不 they're getting richer by the minute 他们正在迅速致富 have you got a minute? informal 你能抽出一点时间来吗? he never gives me a or one minute's peace 他一分钟都没有让我安宁过 informal (instant) 瞬间 shùnjiān the minute I heard the news, I called 我一听到消息就打电话了 this minute (at once) 马上 British (just) 刚刚 gānggāng just this minute British (right now) 此时此刻 (only just) 就在刚才 at this minute 此时此刻 at any minute (now) 随时 at the last minute 在最后一刻 to leave things until the last minute 把事情拖到最后才做完 one minute … the next … 一会儿…一会儿 … to be up to the minute 保持最新 there's a sucker born every minute informal 什么时候都不缺傻子 Administration 备忘录 bèiwànglù a Treasury minute 一份财政部备忘录 B. minutes plural noun Administration 会议记录 huìyì jìlù to take the minutes 做会议记录 C. transitive verb (record) 记录…的要点 jìlù… de yàodiǎn meeting; 把…记入议事录 bǎ… jìrù yìshìlù decision (inform) 用备忘录通知 yòng bèiwànglù tōngzhī to minute sb about sth; 用备忘录告知某人某事




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