

词汇 mirror
mirror | BrE ˈmɪrə, AmE ˈmɪrər | A. noun (looking glass) 镜子 jìngzi to look (at oneself) in the mirror; 照镜子 to glance in the mirror 匆匆照一下镜子 (reflecting surface) 反射面 fǎnshèmiàn figurative (depiction, representation) 写照 xiězhào a mirror of sth; 某事的写照 to hold a mirror up to sth 真实地反映某事物 B. transitive verb (reflect) 映现出 yìngxiàn chū image, shape, reflectionthe moon was mirrored in the lake 月亮映照在湖中 figurative (correspond to) 反映 fǎnyìng society, life, opinion Computing 把…保存到镜像站点 bǎ… bǎocún dào jìngxiàng zhàndiǎn




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