

词汇 lemon
lemon | BrE ˈlɛmən, AmE ˈlɛmən | A. noun countable and uncountable (fruit) 柠檬 níngméng ; before noun 柠檬的 níngméng de peel, pip; 柠檬味的 níngméngwèi de drink, ice-cream; 柠檬树的 níngméng shù de blossom, grove uncountable (colour) 淡黄色 dàn huángsè do you have the coat in lemon? 这件外套有淡黄色的吗? countable informal humorous (idiot) 傻冒 shǎmào to look/feel a lemon 看上去/感到自己像个傻瓜 countable informal (disappointing book, car, film etc.) 蹩脚货 biéjiǎohuò B. adjective 淡黄色的 dàn huángsè de




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