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词汇 lever
lever | BrE ˈliːvə, AmE ˈlɛvər,ˈlivər | A. noun (handle) 控制杆 kòngzhìgǎn to pull a lever 拉起控制杆 (lifting device) 杠杆 gànggǎn I used the spade as a lever to lift the box 我用铲子作杠杆撬起了箱子 figurative (means) 施压手段 shī yā shǒuduàn to have one's hands on the levers of power 拥有利用权力施压的手段 [指通过融资收购企业] B. transitive verb (manipulate with lever) 撬动 qiàodòng to lever sth into/out of/off of sth; 把某物撬进/出/离某处 to lever sth open/into position 把某物撬开/撬入位 figurative (manoeuvre) 操控 cāokòng to lever sb into/out of sth; 用手段使某人进入/离开某处 he was levered out of the chairmanship 他的主席位置被人搞掉了 PHRASAL VERB lever up transitive verb [lever up sth, lever sth up] 撬起 qiàoqǐ lid, rockshe levered herself up on her elbows 她用胳膊肘撑着身体




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