

词汇 polite
polite | BrE pəˈlʌɪt, AmE pəˈlaɪt | adjective (well-mannered) 有礼貌的 yǒu lǐmào de person, refusalto be polite to sb; 对某人有礼貌 he wasn't very polite about my appearance 他对我外表的评价不太客气 (socially correct) 礼节性的 lǐjiéxìng de smilewhen I complimented her I was only being polite 我称赞她只不过是客套 to make polite conversation 说应酬话 I made polite noises about his presence 我对他的到场说了些客套话 (cultured, refined) 有教养的 yǒu jiàoyǎng de companyin polite society 在上流社会 to keep a polite distance 保持礼貌距离 to use the polite form Linguistics 使用尊称




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