

词汇 now
now | BrE naʊ, AmE naʊ | A. adverb (at the present moment, time, stage) 现在 xiànzài it is now just after 4 o'clock 现在4点钟刚过 they now have 5 children 他们目前有5个孩子 the now celebrated court case 目前倍受关注的庭审案件 right/just now (at this moment) 此刻 (these days) 目前 before now 此前 up to or until or till now; 直到现在 I've lived at home up till now 我一直在家里住到现在 by now; 到现在 he'll be home by now 他现在该到家了 from now; 从现在起 from now on or onwards; 从此以后 that's all for now 暂时就这些 goodbye for now 后会有期 even now 即便如此 (at once) 马上 mǎshàng you must go now 你得马上就走 right now 立即 it's now or never 机不可失 (then) 当时 dāngshí now the troops attacked 接着部队发动了攻击 she was 19 now 她当时是19岁 just now 刚才 (at that point in time) 那时 nà shí by now; 到那时 dào nà shí before now 在那以前 the idea had occurred to her before now 以前她有过那个念头 from now on or onwards; 从那以后 from now on he would earn his living as a painter 从那以后他就以绘画为生 (in view of events) 如此看来 rúcǐ kànlái I'll never get a job now 看来我再也找不到工作了 how can you trust them now? 这样一来你怎么能信任他们呢? (sometimes) 有时 yǒushí now …, now …; 有时…有时… now fast, now slowly 时快时慢 (every) now and then or again; 不时地 every now and again she checked to see if he was still asleep 她隔一会儿就去看看他是否还在睡 (calculating up to present) 迄今 qìjīn ; (calculating to point in past) 到那时 dào nà shí it has been six months now 至今已有6个月了 they've been married four years now 到现在他们已经结婚4年了 they had now lived there for 10 years 那时他们已经在那儿住了10年 (calculating from present) 从此 cóngcǐ she won't be long now 她随后就到 he could arrive any time or moment now 他随时都有可能到达 the results will be announced any day now 这几天随时会公布结果 (introducing transition, information, opinion) 然后 ránhòu now for the next question 现在讨论下一个问题 now for a drink 我们来喝一杯吧 if we now compare … 如果我们来比较… now my first impulse was to run away 然后我的第一反应就是逃跑 (when pausing in speech) ǹg let me see, now, oh yes, I remember 让我想想,嗯,噢,对了,我想起来了 (expressing annoyance) 到底 dàodǐ now they want to tax food! 他们居然要征收食物税! what do you want now? 你到底想要什么呀? Jane? — what is it now? 简?──又怎么啦? now what? (when pestered, interrupted) 又怎么了? (when confused) 现在该怎么办? (in requests, warnings, reprimands) wèi careful now! 喂,小心! run along now 走开 there now (satisfaction) 没错吧 (sth that annoys you) 又来了 there now, what did I tell you? 没错吧,我告诉你什么来着? now, now! 行了! now then (expressing disapproval) 得啦 (making suggestion, offer) 那么 now then, let's get down to work 得啦,我们开始干吧 now then, who's for a coffee? 那么,谁想喝咖啡? come now! dated 得啦! B. conjunction 既然 jìrán now (that) I've met her, I understand 我和她见过面了,也就明白了 he lives in Blackpool now he's retired 由于他已退休,他住到了布莱克浦 C. adjective informal 时髦的 shímáo de clothes, fashions




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