

词汇 number
number | BrE ˈnʌmbə, AmE ˈnəmbər | A. noun countable (figure) 数字 shùzì a six-figure number 6位数 odd/even/whole/cardinal/ordinal number 奇数/偶数/整数/基数/序数 a number greater/less than … 大于/小于…的数 the number eleven 11这个数 to be good at numbers informal 擅长算术 countable (of bus, house, telephone) 号码 hàomǎ ; (on list, in queue, in hierarchy) 编号 biānhào page/volume number 页码/卷次 identification/passport number 身份证/护照号码 account/credit card/registration number 账号/信用卡号/登记号 number 28 in the charts 排行榜第28位 to live at number 220 (Acacia Avenue) 住在(阿卡西亚大街)220号 to wear number 10 Sport 穿10号球衣 the French number 2 Sport 法国队的2号选手 to colour or paint by numbers 执行简单的指令 to do sth by numbers 一板一眼做某事 to have sb's number informal 了解某人的底细 to have sb's number on it informal «bullet, bomb» 注定要击中某人 sb's number is up informal 某人在劫难逃 countable and uncountable (amount, quantity) 数量 shùliàng a number of people/times 一些人/几次 the (exact) number of … …的(准确)数目 vast or large numbers of … 大量的… a certain/small number of … 有些/少数… a large or great/fair number (of …) 大量/相当多(的…) the numbers were equal on both sides 双方人数相同 any number of times/people (very large) 许多次/人 (limitless) 无论多少次/人 any number can play 随便多少人都可以玩 we were 12 in number 我们有12个人 few/many in number 数量很少/很多 they came in (their) numbers 他们来的人很多 in small/large/equal numbers 少量/大量/数量相同的 birds in such numbers 这么多鸟 beyond or without number literary 无数的 to do sth by weight or force of numbers 靠人多做某事 literary (group) 一伙 yī huǒ one of our number 我们中的一员 among their number, two spoke English 他们中有两人说英语 to be of their number (one of them) 是他们中的一员 (with them) 和他们是一起的 countable Journalism 一期 yī qī the July number 7月号 countable Music, Theatre (song) 一首歌 yī shǒu gē ; (dance) 一支舞 yī zhī wǔ ; (piece of music) 一段音乐 yī duàn yīnyuè and for my next number … 我下一首歌曲… a couple of jazz/dance numbers 几段爵士舞/几支舞曲 my big number 我的压轴演出 countable informal (object of admiration) (person) 令人艳羡的人 lìng rén yànxiàn de rén ; (thing) 令人羡慕的东西 lìng rén xiànmù de dōngxi a low-cut little number 时髦的低胸装 she's a sexy little number 她是个性感的小美人儿 a nice little number (job) 肥差 (car etc.) 好东西 (girl) 靓妞儿 uncountable Linguistics shù singular/plural number 单数/复数 B. transitive verb (allocate number to) 给…编号 gěi… biān hào I numbered the boxes from 1 to 20 我给这些盒子从1到20编上号 (amount to) to number X 共计X gòngjì X (include) 把…归入 bǎ… guīrù to number sb/sth among or with sth; 把某人/某物归入某类 (be limited) to be numbered; 为数有限 wéishù yǒuxiàn sb's days are numbered 某人已时日无多 mǒu rén yǐ shírì wú duō C. intransitive verb (comprise in number) 计数 jìshù a crowd numbering in the thousands 数以千计的一群人 (be included) 归入 guīrù to number among sth; 属于某类




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