

词汇 number one
number one | BrE , AmE ˈˌnəmbər ˈwən | A. noun informal (most important person) 头号人物 tóuhào rénwù ; (most important thing) 头等大事 tóuděng dàshì (record) 最畅销唱片 zuì chàngxiāo chàngpiàn ; (book) 最畅销书 zuì chàngxiāoshū (oneself) 自己 zìjǐ to look after or look out for or take care of number one 替自己打算 child language (act of urinating) 尿尿 niào niào mummy, I need/did a number one 妈妈,我要尿尿/尿尿了 B. adjective 头号的 tóuhào de reducing unemployment is our number one priority 降低失业率是我们的头等大事




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