

词汇 simple
simple | BrE ˈsɪmp(ə)l, AmE ˈsɪmpəl | adjective (uncomplicated) 简单的 jiǎndān de task, method, instructions, solutionit's quite simple 这很简单 it's a simple matter to change a wheel 换轮子是件简单的事 for the simple reason that … 只是因为… computing made simple 《数据处理简易通》 in simple terms or language 简单地说 as simple as ABC 非常简单 it's a simple matter of choice 这只不过是个选择的问题 for the simple reason that he hasn't got any money 就是因为他没有钱 (not elaborate) 朴素的 pǔsù de clothes, furniture, design; 简朴的 jiǎnpǔ de food, lifestyle (basic) 原始的 yuánshǐ de tool, life form, structure (unsophisticated) 普通的 pǔtōng de labourer, soldierher parents were simple shopkeepers 她的父母是普普通通的小商店店主 I'm a simple soul ironic 我是个单纯的人 (unintelligent) 智力低的 zhìlì dī de person (plain) 显而易见的 xiǎn ér yì jiàn de truth, fact, difference




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