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词汇 sink
sink | BrE sɪŋk, AmE sɪŋk | A. intransitive verb past tense sank past participle sunk (go below surface) «object, submarine, material» 下沉 xiàchén to sink to the bottom/below the surface 沉底/沉到水下 the wheels started to sink in the mud 车轮开始陷入泥里 the rain sank into the dry ground 雨水渗进了干燥的地面 my warning hasn't sunk into your thick skull yet, has it? figurative informal 你的笨脑瓜还没明白我的警告,是不是? sink or swim figurative 不自救,必沉沦 to sink without trace «ship» 消失得无影无踪 figurative «idea, book» 销声匿迹 xiāo shēng nì jì (become lower) 倒下 dǎoxia to sink to the ground/floor 倒在地上/地板上 to sink down/back 倒下/仰面倒下 a shot rang out, and he slowly sank to his knees 一声枪响之后他慢慢跪到了地上 to sink under the weight of sth literal «container» 在某物的重压下塌陷 figurative «company, person» 被某事物拖垮 bèi mǒu shìwù tuōkuǎ (go below horizon) «sun, moon» 下落 xiàluò Venus was sinking below the horizon 金星正缓缓落下地平线 figurative (in strength) «person» 衰弱 shuāiruò ; (in volume) «voice» 变低 biàndī ; (in value) «currency» 贬值 biǎnzhí to sink fast 行将就木 to sink in value 贬值 biǎnzhí to sink in sb's estimation 在某人心目中的地位下降 my spirits sank 我情绪低落 to sink into oblivion 逐渐被大家遗忘 to sink so low (as to do sth) 沉沦至如此地步(以至于做出某事) B. transitive verb past tense sank past participle sunk (in the sea) 使…沉没 shǐ… chénmò ship, vessel figurative (destroy) 毁掉 huǐdiào hope, chance, projectto be sunk informal 完蛋 we'll be absolutely sunk if the train is late 如果火车晚点我们就彻底完了 (lower) 放下 fàngxià cable, pipe; figurative 放低 fàngdī voice (embed) 埋下 máixia stake, pillarto sink one's differences 抛开分歧 to be sunk in despair/thought; 陷入绝望/沉思中 the dog sank its teeth into my arm 狗咬了我胳膊一口 his hands were sunk deep into the pockets of his coat 他的双手深深插在外衣兜中 (bore, excavate) 挖掘 wājué shaft, tunnelwe shall have to sink a well to obtain water 我们只好打井取水了 to sink a gold mine 开掘金矿 we shall sink the swimming pool into the ground 我们要在地上挖游泳池 Sport «snooker player» 把…击入洞中 bǎ… jīrù dòng zhōng ball; «golfer» 以…击球入洞 yǐ… jī qiú rù dòng shot, puttto sink the ball into the middle pocket 击球入中区/入袋 British informal (drink) 猛喝 měng hē beer, pint Finance 投入 tóurù he sank all his savings into the family business 他把自己的积蓄都投到了家族企业 C. noun (basin) 洗碗槽 xǐwǎncáo a double sink 双水槽 (cesspit) 污水坑 wūshuǐkēng a sink of iniquity figurative 罪恶的巢穴 before noun British 污秽贫困地区的 wūhuì pínkùn dìqū de estatea sink school 渣滓学校 Technology huì a heat sink 热汇 a carbon sink 碳库 PHRASAL VERB sink in intransitive verb (penetrate) «water, lotion» 渗入 shènrù rub the cream into your skin and let it sink in 把面霜揉进皮肤让皮肤充分吸收 figurative (be understood) «news, facts» 被领会 bèi lǐnghuì he read the letter twice before the meaning sank in 他把信读了两遍才搞明白意思




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