

词汇 pressure
pressure | BrE ˈprɛʃə, AmE ˈprɛʃər | A. noun uncountable and countable Physics (force, weight) 压力 yālì to apply pressure to sth, to exert or put pressure on sth 给某物施加压力 the machine is running at full pressure 这台机器在全速运转 to be under pressure Technology 在受压状态下 water/air pressure 水压/气压 to ease or relieve/increase the pressure 减压/增压 uncountable Meteorology 气压 qìyā a band of low pressure 低压带 uncountable and countable figurative (persuasive force) 催促 cuīcù pressure on/from sb; 施加给/来自某人的压力 the pressures of sth/doing sth; 某事/做某事的压力 parental/public pressure 父母/公众的压力 the pressure of public opinion 舆论的压力 to put or place or exert pressure on sb (to do sth) 强迫某人(做某事) to bring pressure to bear (on sb) (to do sth) (对某人)施加压力(做某事) to do sth under pressure 被迫做某事 she was kept at her desk by pressure of work 她忙得无法离开办公桌 to be under a lot of pressure 承受很大压力 uncountable (volume) (of traffic) 堵塞 dǔsè ; (of tourists) 拥挤 yōngjǐ B. transitive verb 强迫 qiǎngpò to pressure sb to do sth or into doing sth; 强迫某人做某事 stop trying to pressure me! 别勉强我!




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