

词汇 licensed
licensed | BrE ˈlʌɪs(ə)nst, AmE ˈlaɪs(ə)nst | adjective (holding a licence) 有许可证的 yǒu xǔkězhèng de gun owner, dog-handler; 有执照的 yǒu zhízhào de doctor, pilot, security firmthe shop is licensed for the sale of or to sell tobacco 这家店有烟草经销执照 to be licensed to carry a gun 有持枪证 (allowed by a licence) 获准拥有的 huòzhǔn yōngyǒu de firearm, taxi; 有牌照的 yǒu páizhào de vehicle (to sell alcohol) 有售酒许可证的 yǒu shòu jiǔ xǔkězhèng de hotel, restaurantlicensed premises British 许可售酒的场所




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