

词汇 lick
lick | BrE lɪk, AmE lɪk | A. transitive verb (with tongue) tiǎn to lick sth clean 把某物舔干净 to lick one's lips or informal chops literal 舔嘴唇 figurative (at prospect) 热切期盼 rèqiè qīpàn the children licked their lips as the cake was cut 切蛋糕时孩子们都馋得直舔嘴唇 she's licking her chops at the thought of spending all that money! 她一想到能花那一大笔钱都迫不及待了 to lick sth/sb into shape 使某事物/某人变得更好 the old house has been licked into shape 这幢旧房子修缮好了 the manager has a year to lick the team into shape 主教练有一年的时间把球队调教好 (remove with tongue) 舔掉 tiǎndiào to lick sth off, to lick off sth; 把某物舔掉 to lick blood from a cut/honey off a spoon 舔掉伤口上的血/调羹上的蜂蜜 informal (defeat) 打败 dǎbài ; (outperform) 超过 chāoguò to get licked 被打败 to lick a problem 解决问题 this puzzle has got me licked 这个难题把我难住了 (touch lightly) 轻轻触及 qīngqīng chùjí the waves were licking the seashore 波浪轻拍着海岸 B. noun (with tongue) tiǎn to give sth a lick; 舔某物一下 the child gave the bowl a good lick 孩子把碗舔得干干净净 to give sb or let sb have a lick (of sth) 让某人舔一口(某物) a lick and a promise informal 草草了事 to give the room a lick and a promise informal 马马虎虎打扫一下房间 figurative informal (quick application) 一点 yīdiǎn a lick of paint 薄薄的一层油漆 informal (speed) 速度 sùdù ; (fast speed) 快速 kuàisù at a fair (old) lick 快速地 at (quite) a lick 迅速地 to drive at full lick 全速驾驶 PHRASAL VERB lick up: transitive verb [lick up sth, lick sth up] 舔食 tiǎnshí the cat licked up the milk 猫把牛奶舔光了




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