

词汇 clever
clever | BrE ˈklɛvə, AmE ˈklɛvər | adjective (intelligent) 聪明的 cōngming de to be clever at sth/at doing sth 擅长某事物/做某事 that wasn't very clever! 那可不太明智! (ingenious, skilful) 机敏的 jīmǐn de idea, solution; 构思巧妙的 gòusī qiǎomiào de gadgethow clever of you to find the solution 你找到了解决办法,真是太聪明了 (shrewd) 巧妙的 qiǎomiào de plot, excuse; (cunning) 狡猾的 jiǎohuá de too clever by half 过于精明 the lawyer was too clever for us 那个律师对我们来说真是太精明了 she was too clever for me 对我来说,她太滑头了 (dextrous) 灵巧的 língqiǎo de he's clever with his hands; 他的手很灵巧 (mainly derogatory) (cheeky) 油腔滑调的 yóu qiāng huá diào de remark, answer only with negative British informal (well, healthy) 健康的 jiànkāng de I don't feel too clever 我感觉不太舒服




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