

词汇 lightning
lightning | BrE ˈlʌɪtnɪŋ, AmE ˈlaɪtnɪŋ | A. noun uncountable (instance, phenomenon) 闪电 shǎndiàn ; (striking sth) 雷击 léijī a flash/blot of lightning 一道闪电 yī dào shǎndiàn like (a flash of) lightning or as quick as lightning 飞快地 run, thinklike greased lightning or a streak of lightning 一溜烟地 runto be struck by lightning 遭雷击 lightning never strikes twice in the same place proverb 倒霉的事不会重复发生 B. adjective attributive 闪电般的 shǎndiàn bān de speed, response, raid, visit; 伴有雷电的 bànyǒu léidiàn de storm; 雷电造成的 léidiàn zàochéng de damage




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