

词汇 presume
presume | BrE prɪˈzjuːm, AmE prəˈz(j)um | A. transitive verb (suppose) 推测 tuīcè I presume he's honest 我想他是诚实的 to presume sb/sth to be sth; 推测某人/某物为某物 (in court) «person, law, court» 认定 rèndìng defendant, accusedhe was presumed dead/innocent/guilty 他被认定死亡/无罪/有罪 (presuppose) 假定 jiǎdìng existence, theoryto presume that …; 假定… B. intransitive verb (dare) 擅自行事 shànzì xíngshì to presume to do sth; 擅自做某事 I hope I'm not presuming 我希望我没有擅作主张 you presume too much! 你太放肆了! (take advantage) 利用 lìyòng to presume on or upon sth/sb; (take advantage) 利用某事物/某人 (rely) 指望某事物/某人




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