

词汇 mob
mob | BrE mɒb, AmE mɑb | A. noun plus singular or plural verb (crowd) 暴民 bàomín an angry mob of protestors 一群激愤的抗议者 (criminal gang) 犯罪团伙 fànzuì tuánhuǒ the Mob US 犯罪集团 informal (associated group of friends) 一帮 yī bāng Byron, Keats, and all that mob 拜伦、济慈一类的诗人 derogatory (ordinary people) the mob 乌合之众 wū hé zhī zhòng B. transitive verb present participle mobbing past tense, past participle mobbed 围攻 wéigōng prey, intruder; 成群涌入 chéngqún yǒngrù shop; 把…团团围住 bǎ… tuántuán wéizhù pop star




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