

词汇 mobile
mobile A. adjective | BrE ˈməʊbʌɪl, AmE ˈmoʊbəl,ˈmoʊˌbaɪl | (movable) 可移动的 kě yídòng de machine, exhibition, building, device (able to move quickly) 机动的 jīdòng de artillery, troops, police unit (able to walk around) 能走动的 néng zǒudòng de ; (able to move quickly) 跑动灵活的 páodòng línghuó de ; (able to travel) 有交通工具的 yǒu jiāotōng gōngjù de he's not as mobile as he was 他不如从前腿脚灵便了 (adaptable) 适应性强的 shìyìngxìng qiáng de person, population, workforceB. noun | BrE ˈməʊbʌɪl, AmE ˈmoʊˌbil | 悬挂饰物 xuánguà shìwù




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