

词汇 mode
mode | BrE məʊd, AmE moʊd | noun (way) 方式 fāngshì ; (style of speech, behaviour, dress) 风格 fēnggé ; (method) 方法 fāngfǎ mode of transport 运输模式 Computing, Technology 工作状态 gōngzuò zhuàngtài in printing/playback mode 处于打印/回放状态的 (of person) (way of behaving) 行为方式 xíngwéi fāngshì ; (way of feeling) 心情 xīnqíng I'm still in work mode 我还是惦念着工作 when I am at home, I am in wife-and-mother mode 我在家就做贤妻良母 (fashion) 风尚 fēngshàng she wears her hair in the latest mode 她梳着最时髦的发式




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