

词汇 pierce
pierce | BrE pɪəs, AmE pɪrs | transitive verb (make hole in) 穿孔于 chuānkǒng yú to have one's ears pierced 打耳洞 to pierce a hole in or through sth 刺穿某物 the machine pierces small holes in the plastic sheets 机器在塑料片上扎出许多小孔 figurative (penetrate) «voice» 穿透 chuāntòu ; «wind» 穿过 chuānguo ; «light» 透过 tòuguo ; «eyes, look» 洞悉 dòngxī her screams pierced the night air 她的尖叫声划破了夜空 the cold pierced their bones 他们感到寒冷彻骨 her heart was pierced by pain 她心如刀割




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