

词汇 cloak
cloak | BrE kləʊk, AmE kloʊk | A. noun (garment) 披风 pīfēng figurative (front) 掩饰 yǎnshì to be a cloak for sth 是某事物的伪装 to lift the cloak of secrecy 揭开秘密面纱 under the cloak of darkness 在黑暗的掩护下 B. transitive verb (cover) 给…披上披风 gěi… pīshang pīfēng ; «snow» 覆盖 fùgài land; «darkness» 笼罩 lǒngzhào landto be cloaked in fog 被笼罩在雾中 to cloak sb in sth; 将某人裹在某事物里 (hide) 遮掩 zhēyǎn activities, intentionsnegotiations were cloaked in secrecy 谈判笼罩在秘密的气氛中




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