

词汇 occupy
occupy | BrE ˈɒkjʊpʌɪ, AmE ˈɑkjəˌpaɪ | transitive verb (inhabit, use) 居住 jūzhù house, flat; 使用 shǐyòng office; 拥有 yōngyǒu premises (take, use) 占用 zhànyòng room, chairis this place occupied? 这位置有人吗? the toilet is occupied 厕所里有人 (hold) 担任 dānrèn position, post Military (take over) 占领 zhànlǐng country, townoccupied territory 被占领土 (take up) 占据 zhànjù space, room, timethe speeches/celebrations occupied the whole day 演讲/庆祝活动持续了一整天 (keep busy) 使…忙碌 shǐ… mánglù person; 占据 zhànjù mind; 吸引 xīyǐn attentionto occupy oneself/sb with sth; 使自己/某人忙于做某事 I kept the kids occupied by reading them a book 我靠给孩子们读书吸引他们的注意力




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