

词汇 line up
line up: A. transitive verb [line sb/sth up, line up sb/sth] (side by side) 使排成行 shǐ páichéng háng ; (one behind the other) 使排成列 shǐ páichéng liè to be lined up 排成队 to line sth up (with sth) (align) 使某物(与某物)对齐 shǐ mǒu wù(yǔ mǒu wù)duìqí to be lined up (with sth); (与某物)对齐 (yǔ mǒu wù)duìqí to line sb/sth up (for sth/sb); (arrange) (为某人/某事物)安排 performer, speaker, task(organize) (为某人/某事物)组织 wèi mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù)zǔzhī event, project(prepare) (为某人/某事物)准备 (wèi mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù)zhǔnbèi questionsto have a lot lined up for this week/next term 把这星期/下学期安排得很满 B. intransitive verb (side by side) 排成行 páichéng háng ; (one behind the other) 排成列 páichéng liè line up! 列队! to line up for inspection «soldiers» 列队接受检阅 to line up in rows/teams 排成数排/数队 (mainly US) (queue) «people, cars» 排队 páiduì (take sides) «people, group, nation» 联合起来 liánhé qilai to line up alongside or with sb/sth; 站在某人/某事物一边 to line up behind sb/sth; 联合起来支持某人/某事物 to line up against sb/sth; 联合起来反对某人/某事物




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