

词汇 lip
lip | BrE lɪp, AmE lɪp | noun countable Anatomy 嘴唇 zuǐchún to kiss sb on the lips 吻某人的嘴唇 to read sb's lips 唇读某人的话 read my lips! 不要非让我把难听的话说出来! the name on everyone's lips figurative 大家都在谈论的人 my lips are sealed! figurative 我不会说出来的! to bite one's lip figurative (hold back one's tears) 忍住眼泪 (hold back one's words) 忍住要说的话 to smack one's lips at … 对…垂涎 to go or pass from lip to lip «story, news» 流传开来 to keep a stiff upper lip figurative 坚定沉着 countable (of cup, basin, crater) 边缘 biānyuán ; (of jug) kǒu uncountable informal (insolence, cheek) 傲慢无礼的话 àomàn wúlǐ de huà to give sb lip; 顶撞某人 enough of your lip! 不得无礼!




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