词汇 | pass |
释义 | pass | BrE pɑːs, AmE pæs | A. intransitive verb ① (move forward) 通过 ▸ the street was so crowded I could not pass 街道非常拥挤,我过不去 ▸ to let sb pass 让某人通过 ② (go past) 经过 ③ (move) 行进 ▸ he glanced at her and passed on without a word 他瞥了她一眼,一言不发继续往前走 ▸ pass right down the bus, please! 上车后请往里走! ▸ to pass out of sight/into oblivion 消失/被忘却 ④ Sport «player, footballer» 传球 ▸ to pass back/forward(s) 回传/向前传球 ⑤ (be transferred) «inheritance, estate» 遗留 ; «responsibility» 转移 ▸ to pass to sb; 传给某人 ▸ the title passed to the eldest son 爵位传给了长子 ⑥ (change) «substance, person» 转变 ▸ his mood passed from joy to despair 他的情绪由高兴转为绝望 ⑦ (go by) «period of time» 流逝 ▸ how time passes! 时间飞逝! ▸ to pass slowly/quickly 过得慢/快 ▸ the moment had passed 时机已过 ⑧ (come to an end) «crisis, storm» 结束 ; «opportunity» 丧失 ; «emotion» 消失 ; «illness» 痊愈 ⑨ (succeed in exam) «candidate» 及格 ▸ she hopes to pass in all three subjects 她希望三门课全都及格 ⑩ (in vote) «proposal, motion» 经表决通过 ▸ the bill passed with a large majority 议案以绝大多数赞成票获得通过 ⑪ (be tolerated) «action, behaviour» 被容忍 ; (be accepted) «person, words» 被接受 ▸ to pass as or for sth; 被当作某情况 ▸ he speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman 他法语讲得很好,足以被当成法国人 ⑫ (happen, occur) «event, occurrence» 发生 ▸ I just could not forgive him after all that had passed 所有这一切发生后,我真是无法原谅他 ▸ to come to pass (formal or literary) 发生 ⑬ (be said) 被说出 ; (be done) 被做出 ▸ several sharp comments had passed between them 他们对骂了几句 ▸ his comment appeared to pass unnoticed 他的评论好像未引起注意 ⑭ (in cards) (not play a card) 不出牌 ; (not make a bid) 不叫牌 B. transitive verb ① (cross to the other side of) 通过 ‹barrier, customs, frontier›▸ the yacht passed the finishing line 快艇冲过了终点线 ▸ not a drop of water had passed his lips all day 他一整天滴水未沾 ▸ not a word passed her lips 她没透露过一个字 ② (go past) 经过 ▸ she passed me in the street without a word 她在大街上一言不发从我身边走过 ▸ to pass this/that way; 走这条/那条路 ③ (move) 移动 ▸ they passed the injured man across the stream 他们把受伤的人抬过小河 ▸ to pass the rope round the tree 把绳子绕在树上 ▸ she passed the thread through the eye of the needle 她引线穿针 ▸ he passed his hand over his face 他用手抹了一把脸 ④ (hand over) 传递 ▸ to pass sth to sb, to pass sb sth; 把某物递给某人 ▸ here! pass it over! 喂!把它递过来! ▸ to pass stolen goods/forged money 销赃/使用伪钞 ▸ to pass the word 传话 ▸ to pass the parcel Games 传递包裹 ⑤ Sport «player» 传 ‹ball›⑥ (spend) 度过 ▸ how did you pass the time? 你是怎样打发时间的? ▸ to pass one's time 消磨时光 ⑦ (succeed in) «candidate, vehicle, machinery» 通过 ‹examination, test›⑧ (declare satisfactory) «examiner, inspector, censor» 准予…通过 ‹candidate, work, film›▸ to pass an invoice 核实发票 ▸ to pass the proofs (for press) 核准校样(待印) ▸ to be passed fit for service 体检合格可入伍 ⑨ (vote in) «parliament, committee, board» 经表决通过 ‹bill, law, legislation›⑩ (be approved by) «law, legislation» 在…得到通过 ‹parliament, assembly›▸ the film was too explicit to pass the censors 这部影片太露骨,没能通过审查 ⑪ (pronounce) «judge» 宣布 ‹verdict›; «critic» 发表 ‹comment›▸ to pass sentence or judgement (on sb) Law 宣布(对某人的)判决 ▸ he passed some very rude remarks about her! 他对她出言不逊! ⑫ (exceed) 超越 ▸ to pass belief/comprehension/all expectations 难以置信/难以理解/出乎意料 ⑬ Medicine (discharge) 排泄 ‹urine, faeces›▸ if you're passing blood, you should see a doctor 如果便血,就应该去看医生 ▸ to pass water informal 撒尿 C. noun ① (at school, university, in professional exam) 及格 ; (in driving test) 通过 ▸ a pass in Maths/English 数学/英语考试的及格 ▸ to get a pass 及格 ② (to enter, leave a place) 通行证 ; Military (for leave of absence) 休假证 ; Military (of safe conduct) 许可证 ▸ a cinema pass 电影院入场券 ▸ a pass to sth/to do sth; 进入某处的通行证/做某事的许可证 ▸ to show one's pass 出示通行证 ▸ on pass 获得许可 ▸ sailors leaving ship on pass 获准离船的海员 ③ (for bus, train) 乘车证 ▸ a monthly/an annual pass 月票/年票 ④ Sport (in ball games) 传球 ; (in fencing) 戳刺 ▸ a long/short pass 长传/短传 ▸ a forward/back or backward pass 前传/回传 ▸ to intercept a pass 截球 ⑤ (in mountains) 山隘 ; (route or road) 山路 ▸ the St. Bernhard Pass 圣伯纳德山隘道 ▸ to head or cut sb/sth off at the pass humorous 在开始时遏止某人/某事 ▸ to sell the pass 背信弃义 ⑥ (in cards) (skipping a turn) 不出牌 ; (not making a bid) 不叫牌 ⑦ (by conjuror, hypnotist) 挥动 ▸ the conjuror made a pass with his hand/wand, and out popped a white rabbit! 魔术师挥了挥手/魔杖,一只白兔蹦了出来! ⑧ Aviation 俯冲 ▸ the bomber made a pass over the target 轰炸机向目标俯冲 ▸ to fly a low pass over sth 在某物上低飞掠过 ⑨ (critical position) 难关 ▸ to come to a pretty pass/such a pass that … 陷入…的困境/田地 ⑩ informal (amorous advance) 挑逗 ▸ to make a pass at sb; 挑逗某人 PHRASAL VERBS pass away intransitive verb euphemistic 去世 pass by A. intransitive verb (go past) «pedestrian, procession, vehicle» 经过 ; (by chance) «person» 路过 B. [pass by sb/sth] transitive verb (go past) «procession, pedestrian, vehicle» 经过 ‹person, place, vehicle›C. [pass sb/sth by] transitive verb ① (occur unnoticed) 绕过 ▸ life has passed me by 我从未享受过人生的机遇欢乐 ② (go past without acknowledging) 忽略 ▸ he passed me by 他没理睬我 pass down transitive verb [pass sth down] 传承 ▸ the sacred rites were passed down through the generations 神圣的礼仪世代相传 pass off A. intransitive verb ① (happen, be carried through) «event, proceedings» 进行 ▸ the party passed off well 聚会圆满结束 ② (come to an end) «pain, effects» 消退 B. transitive verb ▸ to pass sb/sth off as sb/sth; 将某人/某物伪装成某人/某物 ▸ she passed herself off as a well-wisher 她假惺惺地表示祝愿 pass on A. intransitive verb ① (proceed) 接着进行 ▸ to pass on to sth; 进入某事 ② euphemistic (die) 去世 ▸ to pass on to a higher place or better world 升上天堂 B. transitive verb [pass sth on, pass on sth] 传递 ‹message, information›; 传染 ‹cold›▸ to pass sth on to sb; 把某物传给某人 pass out intransitive verb ① (faint) 昏迷 ② Military 从军校毕业 pass over: transitive verb ① [pass sb over] (ignore) 不考虑 ▸ he was hoping for promotion, but he was passed over 他希望得到提升,但是未被考虑 ② [pass over sth] (disregard) 对…置之不理 pass through A. intransitive verb 路过 B. transitive verb [pass through sth] 经历 ‹period of time, phase›pass up transitive verb [pass sth up, pass up sth] informal 放弃 ‹opportunity, offer› |
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