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词汇 closely
closely | BrE ˈkləʊsli, AmE ˈkloʊsli | adverb (near in space) 紧紧地 jǐnjǐn de follow, hold; 仔细地 zǐxì de looka closely written manuscript 一份写得密密麻麻的手稿 to be closely packed 塞得满满当当 (near in time) 紧接着 jǐn jiēzhe his resignation was closely followed by that of the minister 那位大臣紧跟在他之后辞职了 (near in degree) 接近地 jiējìn de the two events are closely connected 这两起事件联系密切 she resembled her mother closely 她长得非常像她母亲 to work closely together 密切协作 to be closely related (to sb/sth) (与某人/某生物)是近亲 (rigorously, in detail) 仔细地 zǐxì de observe, listen, study, question; 严密地 yánmì de monitora closely guarded secret 严守的秘密 (evenly) 均衡地 jūnhéng de to be closely contested or fought 势均力敌 to be closely matched 不相上下 (near to skin, body) 贴近地 tiējìn de to fit closely «garment» 贴身




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