

词汇 moral
moral | BrE ˈmɒr(ə)l, AmE ˈmɔrəl | A. adjective (ethical) 道德的 dàodé de on moral grounds 基于道德原因 to take the moral high ground 在道义上占优势 human beings are moral animals 人类是有道德感的动物 (virtuous) 品行端正的 pǐnxíng duānzhèng de to lead a moral life 为人正派 (morally instructive) 有教益的 yǒu jiàoyì de taleB. noun (practical lesson) 寓意 yùyì to draw a moral from sth; 从某事物中得到教益 to point a moral 指明寓意 C. morals plural noun (standards and principles of behaviour) 道德 dàodé public morals 公德 to have no morals 不道德 a woman of loose morals 荡妇




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