

词汇 protection
protection | BrE prəˈtɛkʃ(ə)n, AmE prəˈtɛkʃ(ə)n | noun uncountable (defence, shelter, safety) 保护 bǎohù protection against or from sb/sth; 对某人/某事物的抵御 tall trees which provided protection against the midday sun 抵御正午烈日的大树 to afford or offer or give (some degree of) protection 提供(某种程度上的)保护 (safeguard) 防护物 fánghùwù head/eye protection 安全帽/护目镜 to take vitamin C tablets as a protection against the common cold 吃维生素C片以防感冒 Economics 贸易保护制度 màoyì bǎohù zhìdù trade protection 贸易保护 (extortion) 保护费 bǎohùfèi




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