

词汇 live
live1 | BrE lɪv, AmE lɪv | A. transitive verb guò to live one's life; 生活 shēnghuó to live a normal/peaceful life 过正常/平静的生活 to live a life of luxury/crime 过奢华/罪恶的生活 to live the life of a recluse/a saint 过隐士/圣徒般的生活 to live one's faith/politics 按照信仰/政治立场生活 to live the part or role (of sb) 生活中亦如演出(某角色)一般 to live sth down 让人忘记某事物 I'll never live it down! humorous 我永远都无法让人忘记这件事! B. intransitive verb (dwell) «person, animal» 居住 jūzhù where do you live? 你住哪里? a place to live 居住地 to live in …; «person» 住在 countryside, town, street «animal» 生活在 shēnghuó zài fresh water, forestto live at home/number 15/Buckingham Palace 住在家里/15号/白金汉宫 he lives at the betting shop/in those jeans informal humorous 他整天泡在投注站里/穿着那条牛仔裤 he lives by the canal/over the shop 他住运河边/店铺楼上 to live with sb; 与某人住一起 he's not very easy to live with 与他同住不是件容易的事 to live together «family, friends» 同住 «couple» 同居 tóngjū to live apart 分居 to live alone or on one's own 独居 the tea towels live in that cupboard over there informal 茶巾通常放在那边那个橱柜里 (lead one's life) 生活 shēnghuó to live well/dangerously 过殷实/危险的生活 to live in luxury/poverty 生活奢侈/贫困 we live in the computer age 我们生活在计算机时代 to live in hope/fear (of sb/sth/doing sth) 生活在(对某人/某事物/做某事的)希望/恐惧之中 to live in peace with sb 与某人和平相处 to live for sth/sb; 为…而活着 sport, work, pastime, familyto live through sth; 经历 war, depressionto live without sth/sb; 在没有…的情况下生活 person, luxury, substancethey lived happily ever after 后来他们便一直过着幸福的生活 to live like a king/lord/pig; 像国王/老爷/猪一样生活 to live by; 遵照…生活 standards, beliefs, rulesto live from day to day 一天天过日子 to live and let live 互相宽容 you live and learn 活到老,学到老 (be alive) 活着 huózhe he lived to be ninety-three 他活到了93岁 as long as I live, I'll … 只要我还活着,我就会… he's only got six months to live 他只能活6个月了 I don't think all the quintuplets will live 我认为五胞胎不会都活下来 I'll live! humorous 我死不了! I've got nothing left to live for 我活着没什么盼头了 to make the characters live 把人物塑造得栩栩如生 (survive) 存活 cúnhuó to live to do sth; 活到做某事 you may live to regret this 你总有一天要为这件事后悔的 long live sb/sth! 某人/某事物万岁! the memory will live in my heart forever 这份记忆将永远留在我心中 to live through winter/the night 活过冬季/今晚 to live to fight another day 存活下来以期再战 to live to tell the tale 活下来讲述危险的经历 (maintain existence) 生存 shēngcún I barely earn enough to live 我赚的钱勉强够养活自己 to live by doing sth; 靠做某事为生 to live on; 以吃…为生 food 靠…过活 kào… guòhuó wage, charityto live on fresh air 不吃不喝 to live off; 靠…过活 kào… guòhuó interest, profitsto live out of; 靠吃…里的食物过活 freezer, cans (put up with) to live with sth; 忍受某事物 rěnshòu mǒu shìwù to live with the consequences 接受后果 jiēshòu hòuguǒ how can you live with the knowledge that …? 既然知道…,你怎么还能坐视不理? to live with the fact that … 接受…的事实 jiēshòu… de shìshí to learn to live with sth; 努力忍受某事物 nǔlì rěnshòu mǒu shìwù to live with oneself; 感到心安 gǎndào xīn ān I couldn't live with myself or my conscience 我良心上过不去 wǒ liángxīn shang guòbuqù informal (experience life) 享受生活 xiǎngshòu shēnghuó this is what I call living! 这才是我所谓的享受生活呢! she's really lived! 她真正享受了生活! you haven't lived until you've … 你只有…才算享受过人生的乐趣 live a little! 享受一下生活吧! to live it up 狂欢 PHRASAL VERBS live in intransitive verb 住在工作的地方 zhù zài gōngzuò de dìfang most of the teachers/students live in 大多数老师/学生住校 most of the workers live in 多数工人住在厂区 live on intransitive verb «person, animal» 继续存活 jìxù cúnhuó ; figurative «fame, memory, work» 继续存在 jìxù cúnzài live out A. intransitive verb 不住在工作的地方 bù zhùzài gōngzuò de dìfang B. transitive verb [live out sth] (survive) 活过 huóguò season, day, week(spend) 度过 dùguò to live out the rest of one's days somewhere 在某处度过余生 (enact) 实现 shíxiàn fantasieslive up to transitive verb [live up to sth] 不辜负 bù gūfù expectations; 符合 fúhé standards, advertising, hypeto live up to one's reputation (as …) (作为…)名符其实




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