词汇 | lock |
释义 | lock1 | BrE lɒk, AmE lɑk | A. noun ① (mechanism) 锁 ▸ to fasten a lock 把锁锁上 ▸ to pick a lock 撬锁 ▸ under lock and key 妥善保管着 ② (on canal, river) 闸 ▸ the lock filled with water 水闸内放满了水 ③ (in wrestling, fighting) 夹 ▸ arm/leg lock 夹臂/抱腿 ④ (rugby) (also lock forward) 第二排前锋 ⑤ Motor Vehicles 前轮转向角度 ▸ on half/full lock 转向打到一半/打到底的 ▸ 3.5 turns from lock to lock 3.5轮的满转向角度 ▸ to have a good/bad lock 转向良好/不好 ⑥ Computing (on file) 加密锁 ⑦ archaic (on firearm) 保险栓 ▸ lock, stock, and barrel figurative 完全地 B. transitive verb ① (close securely) 锁上 ‹door, window, drawer›▸ to lock sth in a drawer 把某物锁在抽屉里 ▸ locked and barred or bolted 锁得严严实实的 ② Computing 对…加锁 ‹file›③ (become fixed) 紧紧抓住 ▸ to lock horns literal «animals» 扭打 figurative «people» 争执 ▸ to be locked in combat «enemies, armies, countries» 陷入战斗 ▸ to be locked in an embrace «lovers, friends» 紧紧拥抱 C. intransitive verb ① (close securely) «door, drawer» 被锁上 ② (seize up) «steering wheel» 卡住 ; «wheels» 刹住 ; «brakes» 抱死 PHRASAL VERBS lock away transitive verb [lock sb/sth away, lock away sb/sth] 把…锁起来 ‹valuables, documents, money›; 关押 ‹person›lock in transitive verb [lock sb/sth in] 把…锁在里面 ▸ to lock oneself in 把自己锁在里面 lock on to transitive verb [lock on to sth] «radar, bomb» 锁定 ‹target, building›lock out transitive verb [lock sb/sth out] 把…关在门外 ▸ to lock oneself out; 把自己锁在门外 lock together intransitive verb «components, pieces» 结合 lock up A. intransitive verb ① (when leaving) 锁好门窗 ② «wheels» 刹住 ; «brakes» 抱死 B. transitive verb [lock up sb/sth, lock sb/sth up] 把…锁起来 ‹valuables, documents, money›; 关押 ‹person›▸ he should be locked up! informal 他应该被关起来! |
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